Fire evacuation procedure template

Fire evacuation procedure template is a sample procedure document that shows the process, procedure and methods of evacuating the people under emergency situation. A well drafted fire evaluation procedure sample can help business and organizations to have a appropriate planning and respond effectively and intelligently.


Fire Evaluation Procedure Overview

Fire evaluation procedure need to show clearly how to evacuate the occupants under the emergency situation. Movement of any occupant shall be done as planned in advanced. As a general rule, the method that is used during non-emergency situations is going to be the best method for movement under emergency situations. In addition, consideration should be given to: What is the safest and most efficient method to evacuate this individual in this specific emergency situation? Staff in-service training should include removal methods, lifts, carries and drags that will be used in each site. It is essential to have proper fire evaluation drills in advance.

Fire evaluation procedure needs to state the evacuation place under the emergency situation. As a general rule, evacuation plans should call for the final evacuation to be to the outside. However, the plan may include using “Staged Evacuation” techniques. Staged Evacuation Techniques include staging occupants prior to complete evacuation. For example, business and organizations may have approved point of safety for the occupants to reach before the complete evacuation.

Fire Evacuation Procedure Template Layout

There is procedure example you can download for reference, however, you may use Word or Excel to create your sample fire evacuation procedure template based on your business needs and situation. During the development process, it is key to understanding the fire evaluation procedure format, fire evaluation procedure layout and fire evacuation outline.

The first key part in fire evacuation procedure template is the fire evacuation procedure overview. In the section, you need to show the basic information about the fire evacuation procedure such as the policy, building and site information, emergency calls and contact information etc.

The second key part in fire evacuation procedure sample is the fire evacuation instruction. In the section, you need to show detail instruction for occupants and staff. The information should consider the individual’s capacity to evacuate and the physical environment, detail instruction on fire prevention guidelines etc.

The third key part in fire evacuation procedure example is the building fire protection features. In the section, you need to state the details feature of fire protection. For example, approved Points of Safety including Exterior Meeting Places and Interior Points of Safety; fire Alarm Systems; portable Fire Extinguisher Information and location of Smoke Detectors and/or Heat Sensors etc.