Grievance procedure template

Grievance procedure template is a sample procedure document that shows the process, steps by which an issue between the employer and the employee can be resolved. A well drafted grievance procedure sample can help business and individuals to solve complaints and work related dispute.

Grievance Procedure Overview

Grievance procedure need to differentiate the grievance types. There are two types of grievance: the individual grievance and group grievance. An individual grievance is a complaint brought forward by a single employee in which a decision made affects that specific employee. For example, an employee who has applied for a vacancy within the organization, may grieve the fact that she was unsuccessful at securing that position. A group grievance is a complaint brought forward which concerns more than one employee grieving the same alleged violation. It is important to know that any settlement of a group grievance would apply to all employees identified with the grievance.

Grievance procedure can bring benefits to the business and organization for those that have standard grievance policy in place. The grievance process creates stability in day-to-day employee relations because it gives the employee a sense of assurance during the life of the collective agreement that there is a mechanism to resolve issues rather than letting them continue. Without a grievance process in place, a work place dispute could escalate unnecessarily.

Grievance Procedure Template Outline

There are procedure templates you can download for reference, however, you may design your own sample grievance procedure template according to the business requirements and conditions. During the design process, it is important to consider the grievance procedure format, grievance procedure outline and grievance procedure layout.

The first key part in grievance procedure template is the grievance procedure overview. In the section, you need to state the basic introduction about the grievance process, the steps and the grievance policy.

The second key part in grievance procedure sample is the grievance process. In the section, you need to show the detail steps of grievance procedure. For example, the Informal discussion stage:__(Show your discussion with your supervisor etc. ) The Investigation stage:___.

The last key part in grievance procedure example is the grievance procedure documentation. In the section, you need to document any necessary information regard the grievance such as statement from other parties etc.